For these I choose social media software application, Social media are everywhere these days and undeniably a major part of many teenagers' social and academic lives. While we may occasionally wish social media played a less influential role in our children's worlds, and occupied less of their time, they can also provide an important resource to today's teenagers. Understanding how social media help teenagers learn and grow is crucial to seeing them as more than a nuisance in our kids'
By means of communication, an article in a March 2011 issue of the online journal "Pediatrics" states social media enable teenagers to enhance their communication and socialization skills. Social media allow teenagers to remain connected to their friends and family, develop new friendships and learn to exchange their ideas in a productive way. The use of social media sites also allows teenagers to hone their individual communication styles and promotes the discovery of personal identity. This is especially crucial for kids who may have trouble communicating openly in a more public setting. Social media are far from a one-way street, notes the Young Adult Library Services Association toolkit on social media use; these sharing sites, YALSA advises, allow teens to receive feedback from peers and educators. It's possible, however, for teens to take their social media use too far and become more withdrawn from real-world interaction; teens should develop a balance with how they incorporate social media into their lives to avoid self-isolation and potential drops in self-esteem.
By means of discovery, Social media allow for a greater amount of discovery in teenagers' lives. Many teenagers are restricted to a fairly singular school and wider community experience, but social media allow them to reach out on a global level and discover a larger world, full of experiences, communities and cultures that may be new to them and help them better embrace the world and its diversity. Because today's teenagers live in a world where the Internet is an increasingly powerful and ubiquitous force, it's important for them to learn early on how to interact with the possibility for discovery in a safe and productive way. While social media allow ample room for discovery, they're not without drawbacks. Be wary of the possibility for dangers like cyber-bullying or people who press your teen for personal information. Be cautious about using social media in a safe and respectful way.
Social media also have a great deal to offer in the way of education. While teenagers spend a good amount of time learning in the classroom, the Internet offers a different means of learning that cannot necessarily be accessed in the school environment. Online, teenagers can tap into a vast amount of information and idea sharing. Blogs and other social media are increasingly becoming references and aides in the classroom setting. YALSA notes that teachers can use interactive Google Docs, for example, to allow for a collaborative educational experience outside the classroom. The "Pediatrics" article also notes that teenagers can learn, for instance, about a variety of health concerns, such as sexually transmitted infections and mental health issues, in a more anonymous forum through online media. Social media help teens learn about important issues they may not feel comfortable discussing with
.their parents
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